Friday, December 13, 2013

Hello bloggers!

This post corresponds to I didn´t write on 12 September. Well, this time I would like to talk about a country that I would like to go. The truth is that it would be very exciting for me to visit Bolivia, because my mother's family is Bolivian so I would like to know their homeland, where they both lived and miss.

I know that in this country the political constitution is intercultural and promote good living, so I would love to know how they live, also I know that the most of the population is indigenous, as its president, so there is so much concern about keeping the ancient culture, these things are very surprising to me, because that does not happen in Chile, for that reason if I was in that place I like to meet the people and the way they live, go to popular sites, to schools, to the indigenous communities, etc.

If I had the opportunity to travel to Bolivia I would like to go as a tourist or work some time there as a community psychologist, but not stay live forever in this country, but to bring the whole experience to Chile and work in that direction here.

Now you tell me where want you travel!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello dear bloggers

The year is finished and with it the English course, for this reason I´m going to write about my use of the English language and the English class.

Well, for be honest I don’t like the english language, because I´m in favor of preserving our culture and not give in to market pressures often force us to speak English, so I disagree the English course be mandatory, I think to it should be optative, for  people to like learn it. However I believe to this class was than the before levels, because we were able to combine practical activities with lessons on the vocabulary and grammar, also the fact that assessments were was less good, because that one is not demotivating. In relation with de blog I thik to is a good way for practice, because writing every week you start thinking faster prayers in English, which is for when one should speak in this language

I think I should improve my ability to understand what I speak in English, to achieve this I intend to improve to listen songs in English and try to understand and also I can watch films in English without subtitles.

Usually I help to my sister to study for her oral english tests, o I talk with her and at the same time I study for my class, also I help to my boyfriend with some books to him must translate from English to Spanish, for his career.

I hope soon to finish the English course and not have to use this language anymore for obligation

Well, that is all


Monday, November 25, 2013

Hello my friends!

Today I´m going to try to answer the following question: Have I had a good year?

Well, in this year I have had good and bad experiences. Among the good things are the reunion with my older brother, who was far removed from my, this was definitely the best of this year, another good situation was the positive academic year to I have had, I took some courses where I could  delve into topics very interesting for me, like the gender and sexuality topics. Other good thing has been the experience of work in the population La Legua with a group of children, I´m in love of them!

Among the situations that did not go so well, I remember some fights with a friend, and any colds which have been more frequent in compared to other years.

In relation with my achievements, I still don´t have got anything, but I hope to publish one investigation to I developed in the last eight months.

In 2012 I raised some goals for 2013, for example: be committed to my studies, watch my nutrition, learn a new dance rhythm and make an assistantship. about the above I can say that I did the first and second points, but the last two points do not achieve, however I can do them the next year.
A amazing events I would like to highlight are the titling my two closest cousins and the birth of the daughter of one of them

Finally, consider all that, I can say to definitely 2013 have been a wonderful year, but I hope the next will be better.

See you!!


Monday, November 11, 2013

Hello dear friends!

Today I´m going to talk you about an activity for a course of the university that consist in work for a presentation with some children in: “The league carnival”.

Some partners and me have been working at the course of this semester in one ONG called La Caleta, this organization works with the people of the population La Legua in different areas, but all with the objective of strengthening the community so they can self-manage solutions to their problems using their own resources and the environment gives. We joined a group of La Caleta called Mambo del Caserío composed by children of the sector, who work in reflection their rights as children.  They were to show what they have done during the year in an event that takes place every year in this population: “the league carnival”.
The children decided to showcase their work through the preparation -with disposable material -of masks and one cart allegorical (an ambulance) alluding to their rights to health and the ecology.

The past Saturday, the children finally could see materialized all that which had been proposed as well is that they were very happy. They had a nice time dancing with the drums, screaming, running, jumping, etc. Also had many organizations that participated in the carnival, so they could interact with many people and really enjoy that activity.

Personally I enjoyed too much the carnival because I never in my life have been in an event of this characteristics with very much artistic and comunitary expresions, was amazing! I feel  privileged.
I hope to someday you can participate of this event!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Hello bloggers!

Today I want to talk in this post about a very important topic: the environment we live in.

I think to the people must learn environmentally friendly practices primarily in their families (situated in a community) and in the school, in the first years of life, but not always happen that, sometimes the people learn this practices when they are adults with theirs children,  and in some case this never happen.
In my case, I haven´t incorporated completely recycling in my habits, I prefer buy thinks to have a low carbonfootprint , however I contribute with the recycling to using used clothing, using the waste in the interventions for the university, etc.  

When I have to go to any place, I always prefer walk and don’t take a car, because is healthy for me and of this way I contributed to care the environment. I would like ride a bike, but I haven´t one.  In this aspect I am very aware about the benefits these choices bring us.  

For be honest I haven´t joined or supported any eco-organization, because I think to do it would take me time that I spend in other activities like the university, for example; however in general I agree with their position, so I try to don´t damage the environment.

For help this cause I also turn off the light when anybody is in any room, I close the water tap when anybody is using it and I care the flowers, the trees and the animals. From now I would help more recycling my wastes.

For reduce my carbon footprint, as I have explained I walk to the different places and care the water and the light, but else I try to don´t buy things with plastic or metallic wrapped and don´t use plastic bags all the time.
Finally, I believe to in Santiago there are few measures for care the environment, I think lo lack take decisions respect for example, to the great number of cards in the street for example, or respect to the great amount of energy to spend the business and industries, etc.

Well, I hope we care all the days our environment J


Monday, October 21, 2013

Hello my friends!

This time I want to talk you about the place when I have lived all my life: San Bernardo, specifically, a serious problem that is affecting this place today, I mean Wing lost identity of this commune.

Contextualizing the situation, I must tell you to this place is a commune in the south of Santiago, known as the capital of folklore. Formerly it was a rural site, disconnected from the capital, quiet, peaceful and characterized by its great cultural heritage, but for be honest today there aren´t much of that, because San Bernardo has become in a fraction over Santiago, like many other, this because the last place authorities have decided that it is necessary to change the face of the commune and modernize, although local people have opposed many of these decisions, for example: the destruction of emblematic places as the Grove Street Portales, the oblivion of petty railway or the old cinema and theater, the total remodeling oldest square of the commune, etc. This situation saddens me a lot, because I reach to witness how nice it was the old San Bernardo and its rural character I identified very much, so is that now I'm living in a different place.

I think to this situation is a big problem, because although still maintain some customs and important places, little by little is being destroyed the heritage of chile. I hope this doesn´t continue happening.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Hello my dear friends!

Today I´m going to talk about the international new to you can find in the following link:

If you don´t want read it, or can´t read a big text, don´t care! I will write a summary for you.

The new is about the dead of Erich Priebke, a Nazi SS captain who helped to carry out the Nazi Italian massacres; however he never recognized this – except for two persons who he said kill-, so he neither asked forgiveness, instead Priebke lived free 50 years in Argentina until 1955, when he was extradited to Italy. In this place he was sentenced to life imprisonment, but due he was 90 years old, he was placed under house arrest, where he have seen doing different daily activities …in this case there was  justice…

There were different reactions to the death of this person, but the most of all (from individuals belonging to the movement against the deceased), were referent to he has been a criminal, so his funeral must not be an opportunity for his supporters would defend the Nazism, because there were very much victims, so the government and the people in general musn`t  forget that.

I think to this kinds of situations musn`t continue allowing, so I agree with  the previous opinions.

Ok. This is all, I hope this new was interesting for you
See you the next time!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Hello blogger!

Today I´m going to talk about a very important person in my life: my sister Dámaris.
She is my younger sister, she is twenty years old.

Dámaris is far different than it is in the rest of the people, because is very crazy! When you least expect it, she could surprise you! Dámaris is very funny and always want to make people laugh, so makes different and ridiculous thing for do it.

As you know, Dámaris is very extroverted, but, also she have a great heart, for this reason she all the time is thinking about how help to the people.

Also, my sister is a good and reliable person, I can talk whit her all topics, because she understand me…she always be for me, and I´m very thankful for that. I would just like to stay more time with her, but that is impossible the most of the time, because we studied all the day in different and remote universities, so we came to our home very later. But each day we must to be together even if it's only a short time, because we love each other.

Well, I really hope to you have a great time with your dear persons.
 Don´t forget to the most important in the life is the love J


Friday, September 27, 2013

Hello dear friends!

Today I´m going to talk about something to is very important in my life, I refer to my pet:  my cat called cuchurru. Who came to my house the last summer, when it was a baby.

My father found my cat lost in his work place in Peñañolén, so he decided adopt it. When I saw the cat I couldn´t believe it! That was very amazing for me, because I love the animals, but I never couldn´t have my own pet. Since de first moment I loved it because my cat was very little, tender, soft and very fat, but the only problem was to cuhurru only ate meat, very much mead!!!  so we often had to go to the supermarket to buy some food for my cat.

For be honest when cuchurru came to my house I didn´t worry for it, because I had very much work for the university and I didn´t have free time for care it, but was impossible for me continue of this way, after a short time I started to be concerned for all its needs.

Today my cat is one more of the family, Cuchurru has win a special site in my home.

Well, this is all.
See you the next time.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Hello dear friends!

Today I´m going to talk about my ideal job. My ideal job is: Community and/or educational psychologist in vulnerable locations, namely work in one of these areas, but combining these two views.

For be honest, if you want to work in this field you would need some qualities and skills for make a good work, for example: be critical, be committed with the social causes, be able to work in teams, be empathic, be responsible, believe in the capabilities of the people, communities, etc.

I think to I would be good in this job first because since to I was a child I grew up in  places with very much social deprivations, so I know the hard reality of the people to live under these conditions, second because for this reason I am committed with these problematic.

The difficult to you could find in this kind of job are related to the actuation systems, because these are regulated for public policies to doesn´t consider to the culture and dynamics of the different communities, so would be hard work in this scenario.

Well, this is all. See you soon!